“Caralyn’s Acne Foundations Protocol is the perfect protocol for self-directed skin healing, especially as someone who thrives off taking control of my health. Even with a basic idea of how to help my skin, this protocol fills the gaps in knowledge with tools for stress management, nutrition, and skincare.

I always return to this protocol when I feel lost on how to keep going, and to remind me of the small changes that make a difference. Caralyn covers every skin topic in the book, but specifically my experience with her nutrition guidance was incredible. I learned HOW to eat for my skin and what types of foods I should focus on to promote skin healing. Through paying attention to what foods trigger breakouts and using the acne tracking worksheet, I have been able to eliminate my triggers and see major differences. This helped me break through the plateau I was experiencing and see improvements in my number of active breakouts and in my skin cycle. My breakouts don’t last nearly as long and have drastically decreased on certain areas of my face! Finally! The journey is up from here and Caralyn’s protocol is a great support in my skin journey!”

- Victoria

