“I have so much gratitude for Caralyn and her talents!! About 3 years ago I decided to put an end to my birth control pills. I could feel my body starting to reject them and it was time to say good bye. Once I went off of my birth control pills I didn’t know what I was in store for.. I had painful acne all over my face, chest and back. Something I had never struggled with before. After seeking help from my family doctor saying “it will pass” I knew this couldn’t be my only answer. Caralyn was the answer to my prayers! She took the time to go through all of my products one by one and help me realize I was using all the wrong things for my “birth control free body”. From my body wash to my face oil, we threw it away and started fresh. With my new routine and products I am able to have minimal to no breakouts on a weekly basis and I couldn’t be happier. Caralyn’s knowledge and support is everything I could have asked for. She focussed on maintaining a program that worked specifically to me and my lifestyle. I can’t thank her enough !”

- Brianna

