“For the first time in years my skin is glowing and I’m not battling cystic acne from pcos (and other issues). If you’re on a skin (gut) healing journey, please take this as proof that you can heal your acne and live a clear-faced, confident life.

I remember being 15, going to my doctor, just exasperated at what to do about my spotty face, and she reassured me that starting hormonal birth control would help me. I spent years struggling with painful cystic acne that seemed to hit me with no rhyme or reason. 10 years later, I finally made the choice to go off hormonal birth control, was in the best shape mentally + physically of my life AND THEN MY SKIN FREAKED OUT BIG TIME.

Over the last few years, I have done a ton of work on my own to heal internally. Including patience, self-advocacy, nutrition, quality sleep, eliminating toxins, establishing a mindful skincare routine. It took a lot of patience and self-experimentation with foods, supplements, elimination, stress reduction, etc., to figure out what worked for me.

One aspect that contributed to healing my acne was connecting with Caralyn. She came on my podcast (episode 33 of @liveonpurposepodcast) and we hit it off chatting about skincare and how to create a mindful skincare routine. She helped to inspire my skincare routine and my skin has never been so happy.

If you are struggling with acne, I would highly recommend connecting with Caralyn.”

- Marie


